A surface,
summarized revelation of the 1st. chapter of St. John, the Apostle
1: In the beginning was the word,(In/from the beginning God said-spoke-commanded)Gen.1:3-29/Isa.55:11/Psa.33:6-9,29:3-4,148:5/I.John5:7/ and the word was with God,(Before God spoke-the word was in him-God’s word was first his thoughts in his mind, after his own infinite counsel-God had a vision and a plan)Psa.8:4,33:11,40:5,92:5
139:17/Job.23:13/I.Sam.2:35/Heb.6:17,18/ and the word was God.(God said-spoke-commanded and no one else
did-God is responsible for all things and all things
are of his glory-God is his word and his word is Him-God is good and his word that was made was good-God expressed himself in all of
his creations) Gen.1:4,2;1-3/ I.Chro.29:11/Psa.119:160/Heb.11:3/ I.John5:7/ Isa.55:11/Luke18:19/
2: The same was in the beginning with God.( Again God said-spoke-commanded from his mind at the beginning-Whats now manifested, was first spoken from the beginning-God spoke once-and from the beginning his word is sure
and remains-) II.Pet.3:5-7/Psa.33:9,111:7,102:25,104:5,119:89-91&160/Isai,46:9,10.- 48:3.
3: All things were made by him;(In/From the beginning-All things were created from God’s mind and only form
and made by when God said-spoke-commanded-Only One
Creator/Maker God)Mark13:19/Isa.43:7,44:24/Nehe.9:6/Psa.62:11,100:3/Psa.136:4-7/ and without him was not anything made that was made.(Without God speaking/commanding nothing will or can exist or be made-God alone and by expressing the invisible things of himself made all things-God used his 7 spirits of his mind to created, form, and made all things after
the counsel of his own will and purpose) Heb.1:10/ Isa.45:12/ Ezek.12:25/Job26:13/
Prov.8:14, 22,23;19:21/Rom.1:19
4: In him was life;( God is the first source of Life and Immortal Eternal life-All life consist in Him-and through his spoken word) Gen.1:3 / John5:26
&6:57/ and the life was the light of men.(For mankind- Immortal
Eternal life is obtain through the understanding and knowledge truth of God-God’s word is spirit and life) Eph.1:18,5:8-14/II.Cor.4:6/St.John8:12,17:3/II.Cor.3:6/I.Thess.5:5/
5: And the light shineth in darkness;(God revealed his glory and gave his truth
to that/them, which did not know the truth-God quickens and enlighten-God is
Light-Light is greater than darkness-Light is
Life) Psa.43:3/St.John3:19-21& 6:45/ Deut.30:20/ Ezra9:8/ Job3:23/ II.Pet.1:3/I.John2:8 / and the darkness comprehended it not.(Because of sin and ignorance, the truth
was not received-There is no fellowship with light and darkness-Darkness hates the light-Darkness is Death) Psa.82:5/Dan.2:22/Eph.4:17,18/St.John3:19/Eccl.3:11/
II Chronicles 36:16
6: There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.( God spoke unto the fathers of Israel through his prophet-Prophet John the Baptizer
was sent from God) Isai.40:3/Mala.3:1,4:5,6/Matt.3:1-12/Mark1:2-7/Luke1:15-17,76/
7: The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men
through him might believe.( John came and
declared that he was sent by God and that God is Truth, and Light- John
prepares mankind(Israel) to receive God through his ministry-Through John the Messiah can be received) Luke1:76-79/
St. John 3:17/ Acts19:4/I.John1:5/
8: He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.(John bare record not of himself for his glory, but was of the truth and proved
it-For God is Light and his word is truth-One true God and one true Messiah)St.John5:31-35,13:16,17:3/
I.John1:5/ Rom.3:4/
9: That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the
world. (God is
Truth and Holiness-Only God makes life- He it is that gives
of himself, the spirit soul and mind to every man and woman-God is
the Father of spirits)
10: He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew
him not. (God revealed himself to man-God was among his mankind by his spirit, his angels, and his prophets- He is their
Creator-Sin came and mankind walk in darkness
and no longer knew their Creator) Exod.33:14/Numb.35:34/ I.Chron.29:11/Psa.14:5/ Isa.63:8-10/ Zeph.3:5&17/ I.Cor.1:21/Exod.23:20-22/ Deut. 23:14/ Luke 1:70/ St.John8:19&17:25/Matt.11;27/
11: He came unto his own, and his own received him not.( God came unto his own creation-his people-his family-God sent his prophets to his
people and his people rejected the prophets –they rejected God)Duet.7:6;26:18,19/ IIKings17:13/II
Chron.36:16/ Nehe.9:26,27,30/ Isa.43:15,21&44:17,18/ Jerem.7:25;29:19;35:15/Ezek. 34:30,31/ Amos 3:2/Dan.9:6/ Rom.1:19-25/ Heb.1:1,2 .
12: But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become
the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name( Some
of God’s people heard the HolyGhost through the Prophets and the Angels and obeyed them-they walk by faith-they bared
and kept his name-they kept his word-they are of his family)
Chron.16:35/ II.Sam.7:23,26/Psa.9:10; 76:1; 79:9 83:18, 86:12; 99:6 /Isai.54:5/Rom.8:14/Heb.2:2&11:12-16/
13: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the
will of man, but of God.(Some people God knew and they knew God-They are of Him and his family-God purpose and foreordain them to be in Him) Jerem.1:5 /Acts13:48 / I.Cor.2:7/Eph.1:4,2:10/II.Tim1:9/
14: And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory,
the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.(In the beginning God spoke of
his Son and his Son was his 1st.creation-God’s
son was also purpose and foreordain after his likeness- In
fullness of time, God spoke again for his Son to be-God’s
word was manifested and was made from the seed of a man and from the body of a woman-God now has a Son -he is one of us and was among us, a man, of mankind-God has brought forth his son by his word,
spirit and resurrection to be immortal eternal-Mankind
saw how God love his son and what was purpose in him and all to be-By God’s
son we know God loved us and was merciful and full of grace-By God’s
son we know that God is Light and Truth-The Son
manifested God’s Godliness & Holiness) Gen.1:26,27/ St.John1:17&17:5,8,24
&8:42/ I.Pet.1:20/ Gal.4:4/Luke1:26-35/ Rom.1:3,4 / Matt. 3;16, 17& 17:5/Heb.1:3/ I.Tim.3:16/ I.John1:1,2/I.John4:9-14/I.John5:20
Conclusion; (St.John 1:1)
the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God."
This scripture is perceived and taught by the Christianity faith”, to be accepted as “In the beginning
was Jesus, and Jesus was with God, and Jesus was God.’ The text does not read "In the beginning was Jesus".
John wrote what he knew to be recieved truth. John was talking about God himself alone. John knew in order
to show and prove that Jesus is the begotten son of God, he has to prove it first by how God made this to be so. He is making
the connection of Jesus to God and God to Jesus, by starting from the beginning of all things in creation. John himself even
gave the key to understanding the first chapter of John by saying this in John20:30-And many other signs truly did Jesus in
the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book:31- But these are written,
that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye
might have life through his name. John declares that the God truth inspired in his heart is that Jesus is the son of God,
not Jesus is God. Any other conclusion is the wrong conclusion, and is the results from not properly rightly
dividing the scriptures, therefore is of the spirit of error.
One of
the purposes of the Holy Ghost in the believer is to lead and guide you into all truth (Holy Scriptures), this will have you
rightly dividing the scriptures and causing you to accept and to believe the written word of God correctly and
not to believe the personal interpretations of false prophet teachers concerning the scriptures. You are
not allow to add nor take away, nor assume a interpretation of the scriptures, and then declare it as truth. This is why from
Genesis to Revelation, you cannot simply read the fact that Jesus is and was God, nor ever did God transformed
himself through incarnation into a man.
the first chapter of John, has no purpose in declaring that God is Jesus and Jesus is the Word, otherwise that would be a
contridiction to his claimed purpose of writing the book. Jesus is the results or product of God's word. In Isaiah
55:11-So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth:
it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I
sent it.
In the
beginning was the "Spoken Word or Words" (i.e. God's Commands). The concept of substituting the
original Greek term 'Logos/word' with "Jesus" has been the traditional error sin for the past many centuries.
Hence it is not easy to believe otherwise and this has cause a serious spiritual snare of damnation for the
believer who believes this way and confesses and teach this to others as truth, that Jesus was God, or also to believe that
these scriptures supports that Jesus is Deity.
The Greek
term 'Logos' is derived from the root word 'Lego' meaning "to speak". The literal translation of the word 'Logos' is
"something spoken, thought" which means a Command that is spoken, and a Thought that
is expressed.
in the Old Testament has the "word of God" ever been "personified", much less seen as being an actual person. It's always
described as an "it or something" and according to scripture, always been "what God has said". Christianity also
teaches further that "and Jesus was with God and Jesus was God." How can Jesus be "with" God, and "was" God,
as well? It defies the logic thinking unless you have been bewitched to believe a lie. The bible clearly
teaches two separate entities. There is only one True Living God. The Lord God the Father, who is
a spirit(creator) and the Lord Jesus Christ, the son of God, who is a man(creation). In the beginning, God
was the only entity existing, for he proclaim “I am from everlasting to everlasting” and he who is
the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty., this equals being immortal. Jesus on the
other hand was spoken into existence(the Word) by God and was made immortal by
God through his spirit and the resurrection from the dead. Jesus was not existing, nor helping God the Father
to create and make all things in the beginning. The lack of spiritual understanding for the usage of the
words, "create"-mind, "form"-process and "made"-complete finish, have lead to false doctrines from devils. Such as in Col.1:16
which reads- For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible
and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him,
and for him. The word "by" is not meaning "from or responsible", but "after and for". Also in understanding the clause,"
and the word was God" is that God uses the singular form of "word" when he means "his words" in plural. So God's word is all his words.
God and only God speaks his words out from his mind. He has the omnipotent ability to make things exist by
speaking. All of the words are his and therefore, is his "word". So
again in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. This scripture is not saying Jesus is
existing as the word and Jesus was God, that belief has been taught in error through false religions. Also,Christ Jesus is given
power in the glory of God -to speak like his father in Rev.19 chapter. Rev.19:13 says, his name is called The
Word of God. The scripture did not say Jesus was, or is the word! But name is called,
meaning Jesus represents the word of God, which is always the word is the will of God. Rev.19:15 says, out of his
mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and
he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. When God spoke the words for his son to be, then the
words or word became flesh(a man),but not God himself became flesh. When God by his word made Adam, Adam was not God and God
was not Adam, But Adam was the product of God or the results of God expressing himself. It is the same understanding concerning
in Isai.45:18- For thus saith the Lord that created
the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in
vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the Lord; and there is
none else. And also in Isai.44:24- Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am
the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the
earth by myself. One of the main problems that prevent many from understanding the truth and this
mystery is "believing Jesus is Diety". The Lord Christ Jesus is not Deity, nor a demigod! These beliefs
are purely heresy and are of the spirit of Antichrist. Jesus is a man, and now presently and forever a
wholly"Glorified man". If Jesus was a god or is god, then that would contradict all of the claims in the Old
Testament records that God made about himself. God said he is a one and only ,true, living God.
God says he was alone and by himself, and that there are no other gods before him . No where in scripture does God describes
himself as having 3 persons,that is one god, neither that he is ,or was a man. For he says more than once about himself this-
Isai.44:6,Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer
the LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there
is no God. Isai.43:10, Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have
chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God
formed, neither shall there be after me.Duet.32:12 &39,So the LORD alone did lead him,
and there was no strange god with him. See now that I, even I, am he, and there
is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand.
Also in
St.John1:12,it saids -But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that
believe on his name..This scripture is not addressing Christ Jesus, this applies to Father God, in otherwords,
"as many received God , to them God gave them to become his sons, even also them that believe on God's name>"Yahweh/Jehovah".
God's name was first used for salvation in the world, then after the resurection of his son,Christ Jesus, God the Father gave
the name"Lord Jesus Christ" for salvation, which is not God's name ,but his son's name. Thats why the bible teaches that there
are 2 Savours to mankind. Father God, was the first, and then he made his son the second.
In Titus
1:3 is the spirit, Father God our Saviour and 1:4 is the man,Lord Jesus Christ our saviour.
God saves
us by his plan and sending Jesus to die in our guilty steads, and Jesus is our saviour for being in obiedence to God's plan,
and to shed his blood and to die for us.
This proof
makes the opening of John's Gospel coincides perfectly with the prologue of the Book of Genesis
which reads; "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And God said,
Let there be light; and there was light." (Gen.1:1-3). And God said, Let us make man in our image,
after our likeness: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him(Christ);
male and female created he them(Adam&Eve).(Gen.1:26,27)
Here is
the 3 earlier version of transliteration;
1 In
the beginning was the word, and the word was with god, and the word was god. 2 The
same was in the beginning with god.[KJV.1611]
1 In the beginning was that word, and that word was with god, and that word was
god. 2 This same was in the beginning with god.[GNV.1599]
¶ In the
beginning was that word, and that word was with god: and god was that word. The same was in the beginning
with god.[TYND.1526]
To say
that God himself became Jesus the man, or God made himself a fleshly body suit in order to be with mankind through
a woman and die for them, is not only a demonic grave blasphemy, but has been repeatedly denied
by Jesus, who never declares himself as the one God from the Gospels. There are no record of anyone believing that
Jesus is God or a diety can obtain "the eternal life”, in John
17:3, which reads" And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom
thou hast sent." And John 4:9-that God sent his only begotten son into the world,that we might live through
him. The Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ preach that “Jesus was the very Christ, the
son of God and that this man was approved of God!” Never ever that any preached, Jesus was or is God. This shows
that ignorance of darkness and the belief and worshipping a god that does not exist as a spirit god
and a fleshly man, one cannot obtain the eternal life that Jesus declares.
So was
God a creator and a creation person.That would be a total contradiction, because God is he who has made all
things created, then Jesus cant be God because he declared himself as a creation from God. Rev.3:14- These
things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning(1st.) of the creation of God and Gen.1:27-
God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him. Jesus was created in the mind of God
before the beginning of all things that were made. In Gen 1:31, everything in the creation plan of God was made, except Jesus,
because God had a primary plan for Jesus when and how Jesus was going to be made and what glory the Father God had given for
him to have. Gal.4:4. This study is more profound truth that proves, the Lord Jesus Christ is not the only
Lord God!
*Also read article on “The begotten Son of God” for more facts study. |